Ransomware Recovery Service

Leaders in ransomware recovery and digital forensics  

Experiencing Ransomware or Cyber Breach?

Response time is everything when you are under attack. If you have been breached or have an urgent matter, contact us immediately.

Efficient Incident Response

Solace Cyber provide an incident response service to those who are under attack from ransomware groups.  

We have teams across the UK who are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, all year round, allowing quick responses wherever you are.  

We provide a complete ransomware recovery service that takes control of the entire breach recovery as soon as we get to your site.  

From initial investigations that allow us to understand what has happened to digital forensic investigations, actions to limit the spread of the attack and a final report, our teams will work efficiently to get your systems secured and recover data where possible.  

Need an incident recovery team today? Call us on 01202 308818 for an expert recovery response.  

Ransomware Groups We Deal With

The number of ransomware groups and their variants is ever-increasing. Each group works slightly differently and, therefore, requires a different solution. This is why all our teams create a bespoke Incident Response Action plan once they have learnt what has happened and how it happened.  

Below are some of the most commonly used ransomware groups being used today:  

  • 8base

  • Akira

  • akira

  • Alphv

  • arvinclub

  • Avaddon

  • bianlian

  • BlackBasta

  • BlackCat

  • BlackMatter

  • cactus

  • Cerber

  • ciphbit

  • Cl0p

  • cloak

  • CoinVault

  • Coverton

  • CryptoLocker

  • CryptoWall

  • CrySiS

  • CTB Locker

  • Dharma

  • DMA Locker

  • Eking (Phobos)

  • everest

  • GandCrab

  • GlobeImposter 2.0

  • HIVE

  • knight

  • LeChiffre

  • Lockbit3

  • Locky

  • losttrust

  • Makop

  • medusa

  • monti

  • noescape

  • Odin

  • Phobos

  • Play

  • qilin

  • QNPCrypt

  • Quantum

  • ragroup

  • Rakhni

  • Rannoh

  • rhysida

  • Ryuk

  • snatch

  • Sodinokibi / REvil

  • TeslaCrypt

  • trigona

  • WanaCryptor

  • WannaCry

  • Wildfire

Solace Cyber are equipped to deal with an attack from any ransomware group, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you are under attack from a ransomware group not listed above. Call us on 01202 308818.  

Industries We Provide Ransomware Recovery To

Any industry that relies heavily on digital data and systems is susceptible to ransomware attacks. Solace Cyber can provide an effective and meaningful recovery response to any company within any industry.  

Particularly vulnerable industries include:  

  • Healthcare -  Healthcare institutions store sensitive patient data, making them prime targets for ransomware attacks that can compromise patient records and disrupt critical services. 

  • Financial Services - Banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies handle vast amounts of confidential financial data, making them lucrative targets for ransomware attacks aiming to extort money or disrupt operations. 

  • Government and Public Services - Government entities, including local authorities, are often targeted due to the critical services they provide. An attack on government systems could disrupt essential services or compromise sensitive information. 

  • Retail and E-commerce - Retailers and e-commerce platforms store customer data and financial information, making them attractive targets for ransomware attacks seeking to exploit customer information or disrupt online operations. 

  • Legal and Professional Services - Law firms, accounting firms, and other professional services handle sensitive client information. A ransomware attack on these sectors could result in data breaches or financial loss. 

In essence, any industry that relies heavily on digital infrastructure and stores valuable data is at risk of ransomware attacks. This is because the data is valuable, meaning a leak would have a large impact, increasing the likelihood of the ransom being paid. The ransomware groups will target industries and companies where they think the most money is likely to be made.  

Therefore, large corporations and the above industries could need a ransomware recovery service at some point. Our incident response teams will work to try and eliminate the need to pay the ransom, saving you money and recovering data where possible.  

How our Ransomware Recovery Service Works

Our ransomware recovery service has a six-step process that is followed by our teams once they have reached your site.  

Step 1


Solace Cyber Incident Response despatches, same day, the nearest team. Onboarding initiation processes begin immediately, including stakeholder introduction and update call schedules, Incident Response Data Capture with creation, agreement, and deployment of initial Incident Response Action plans.

Step 2


DFIR (Digital Forensic Incident Response) teams conduct full examination of the breach, identifying vulnerabilities, attack vectors, data loss, and system impacts, be this Ransomware, Business Email Compromise (BEC), Data Loss (PII/ICO) or DDoS. Solace completes thorough forensic investigations to understand attacker tactics that inform future mitigation strategies.

Step 3


Onsite & remote teams take immediate actions to limit damage and prevent the incident from spreading. This includes affected system isolation, elimination of malicious elements, and implementation of protective measures, including Solace proprietary technologies, to prevent further harm.

Step 4


Solace’s Incident Response team eliminates the root cause of the incident and restores affected systems to a secure state. Focus is on vulnerability identification and repair, removal of malware and ensuring no remnants of the incident persist within the network.

Step 5


Incident Response teams deliver full restoration of affected systems and services to normal operation. Our engineers implement backups where possible, repair or replace compromised infrastructure, ensuring data is accessible and systems are fully functional.

Step 6

Post Incident

Solace completes a thorough examination of the Digital Forensic Incident Response and recovery efforts. Bringing risk mitigation, betterment action and a full offboarding process, Solace and client together assess the effectiveness of the actions taken, identifying areas of improvement, and reviewing the lessons learned.

Facing a ransomware attack? Don't panic, Solace Cyber's Ransomware Recovery Service can help minimise the breach and restore your systems. Contact us to regain control, recover your data, and fortify your defences against future attacks. Trust us to navigate the chaos.  

Contact Us

Under Attack?

If you think you are under a ransomware attack, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to start the recovery process.

Complete the form to request a complimentary consultation with our specialists and get a plan of action in place immediately.

If you need assistance right away, we would recommend calling us on 01202 308818.

Request a callback

Solace Cyber, part of Solace Global, helps companies across the UK recover from ransomware attacks and data breaches.

Solace Cyber Limited is registered in England & Wales no. 14028838

Solace Cyber

Suite 6, Branksome Park House,
Branksome Business Park,
Bourne Valley Road,
Poole, BH12 1ED
United Kingdom


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